Monday, April 26, 2010

Beers and Brats, Craft Beer Week has begun

Saturday, dozens of people decended upon 33 wine bar in Lafayette square for what has become the annual kickoff to Saint Louis Craft Beer Week, the "Beers and Brats" fest. The boys from Salume Beddu made up some killer Salsicca with pork, fennel, spanish paprika, chili flakes, and a bunch of other stuff, and were smothering them with home made sauerkraut, onions, and a pepper relish. Man, these things were killer! They grilled until about 2:00, when yours truly took over the tongs, and started burning some meat. This lasted until God decided to re-enact the flood of Genesis, and we had to pull it inside.

All of this to say that this is Craft Beer week here in the Lou. Since I'm not as much up on the beer scene as I would like, I would suggest you follow Mike Sweeny on, or his Twitter feed at @mikedrinksbeer. There is something going on just about every night this week that will give you ample opportunity to check out cool brews.

That's all for now. Have a great week, and Cheers!

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